Marketing Accountability is Top Issue on Marketers Minds, ANA Survey Reveals

Posted on September 7, 2007. Filed under: Research, Analysis and Trends |

Senior Marketing Executives Weigh In On Top Issues for 2005
Source: ANA
February 28, 2005-New York, NY—An annual survey by the Association of National Advertisers (ANA) conducted to help shape its Annual Conference in October 2005, ranked accountability as senior marketers’ top priority.

The survey asked senior marketers to choose their top three issues from a comprehensive list and then rank them in order of importance, from one to three. Of the 111 respondents, more marketers indicated a greater concern about accountability (61 total responses) than any other issues. Building strong brand franchises and integrated marketing communications ranked closely in the second and third positions with 48 and 45 total responses respectively. While last year the same top three issues emerged from the survey, this year building strong brand franchises switched with accountability for the top issue on marketers’ minds.

“This survey confirms what has been on the marketing radar over the past year, that accountability is one of the most dynamic principles in this industry,” said Bob Liodice, President and CEO of the ANA. “The rapidly evolving marketing landscape is demanding measurable results among the senior level marketers, and it is the number one priority for the ANA to help provide solutions in 2005.”

Beyond using the survey results to aid in planning the ANA Annual Conference, the data is also used to develop key initiatives throughout the year. In response to the 2004 survey, a branding committee is being developed and the Marketing Accountability Forum, held in July, was also formed.

The following is the comprehensive list of issues ranked in order of importance according to the total responses:

  1. Accountability
  2. Building strong brand franchises
  3. Integrated Marketing Communications
  4. Media fragmentation
  5. Structuring a marketing organization
  6. Consumer control over how they view advertising
  7. Innovation in a marketing organization
  8. Globalization of marketing efforts
  9. Growth of multicultural consumer segments
  10. Advertising creative that achieves business results
  11. Impact of technology on marketing
  12. Regulatory/legislative issues

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